Header IMCB H-9

Accreditation Status BS (Computer Science) Program

Alhamdulillah Bachelor of Computer Science program at IMCB H-9 is accredited since 2023 for very first BSCS batch Fall 2019 during inspection held in June 2023. In June 2024 second accreditation assessment visit was held for subsequent batches and thankfully we have been granted accreditation for another term of 2-years for Fall-2020 and 2021 batches.

Accreditation Process for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program offered in affiliation with Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad since 2019.

Islamabad Model College for Boys H-9 Islamabad started BS (CS) program in 2019 in affiliation with Qauaid-i-Azam University (QAU) upon closure of two year graduation programs. QAU granted permission to induct one batch of 50 students (Fall-Semester) each year. IMCB H-9 is the only FDE College offering BSCS program for male candidates besides IMCG G-10/4 and IMCG F-6/2 Street 25 which are dedicated for female candidates. Higher Education Commission (HEC) through its National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC), established in 2005, made it compulsory for Computer Science related program to be accredited for assurance that the computing education being imparted to students is of high quality and meets the minimum standards prescribed by HEC. Accreditation by NCEACis mandatory for every computing program offered by any public or private University/DAI in Pakistan, it is also mandatory for the affiliated colleges associated with any University/DAI.

Objectives of NCEAC system of accreditation.
The main objective of the accreditation system developed by NCEAC is to ensure that the institute possesses certain facilities including the minimum required number of faculty to offer degree program in computing. This helps prospective students to gain confidence about the quality of education they can expect to receive at a particular university. It is a process to assure quality in degree programs in educational institutions. It would require an educational institution or program to meet defined standards or criteria. Recently, HEC through its public notice had warned general public that HEC shall not verify degrees of the non-accredited Universities / Institutions.

Types of Accreditation Visit
Zero Visit: This visit is conducted when an institution decides to launch a computing program.
Accreditation and Re-accreditation Visits: Accreditation visit is the visit to accredit a computing program
Accreditation Process and Fee
NCEAC charges PKR 300,000 for conducting accreditation process. Accreditation Process usually begins by submitting an online application under the guidelines and Self-assessment Book on official website https://accredit.nceac.org.pk/
Accordingly minimum requirements are specified for accreditation depending upon the number of batches and number of semesters in progress at any institute. Major requirements include appropriate number of faculty members dually qualified as MS/M.Phil with at least one Ph.D besides minimum
one computer system for two students.

Online Application Includes

Details of Infrastructure
Details of faculty with qualifications
Details of the computer lab equipment
Details of the batch wise students
Curriculum details, courses offered with credit hours, course objectives etc.
Course files requirements.
First Accreditation Visit IMCB H-9 Islamabad in 2023:
                NCEAC processed our first case in 2023. On the basis of online submitted application, a two member team was designated to inspect IMCB H-9
                Date of Inspection:                                         June 15, 2023     09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
                Batches under Consideration:                    Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022

Evaluation Report by NCEAC:
The visiting team compiled its report as per their internal procedures of approvals and communicated the findings through a detailed report. Major shortcomings include:
Availability of up to date Computer Labs and equipment
Insufficient teaching faculty.
Conducive learning teaching environment for faculty and students.

Conclusion Inspection visit 1:
IMCB H-9 was granted accreditation for the FALL-2019 batch. IMCB H-9 Islamabad achieved this singular distinction among all FDE Educational Institutions offering BSCS program by successfully getting ACCREDITATION from HEC / NCEAC for BS (Computer Science) program (Fall-2019 batch) offered in affiliation with Quaid-i-Azam University.

Second Accreditation Visit IMCB H-9 Islamabad in 2024:
                After getting accreditation status for only one batch i.e Fall-2019 in 2023, IMCB H-9 stared its working on processing of the next case for accreditation for the continuing batches. In this regard, following special efforts were made which played vital role in second inspection.
Two MS/M.Phil. Faculty Members were added to existing faculty to meet the minimum requirements.
Computer Systems were added to the existing computer labs.
Massive repair and maintenance work was under underway while application was submitted for next BSCS batches under visionary leadership of the honorable Secretary Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Education (MoFE&PT).
A high tech computer lab with excellent specifications was under development with best allied facilities including:
Computer Lab with 18 PCs (Core i-9 12th Generation and 16 GB RAM)
Branded Lenovo PCs
75 Inch Multimedia Smart / Touch Screen
Audio visual support equipment
Backup Power Supply through APC 3 KVA UPS
4 x Split Air Conditioners
Internetworking facility
Purpose built furniture
Visit 2 of the NCEAC Team in June 2024
NCEAC processed our second case in May 2024. Fee of Pk Rs 300,000 was again paid along with detailed online application. NCEAC designated a two member team for the inspection visit.
                Date of Inspection:                                         June 13, 2024     09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
                Batches under Consideration:                   Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023

Evaluation Report by NCEAC:
IMCB H-9 is very optimistic that the visit went very good. The members of NCEAC team were especially impressed by the high tech lab and ongoing maintenance work at massive scale. Under construction dedicated BS Block. They were highly impressed by the very nominal fee structure and appraised the faculty held.
We are expecting award of multiyear accreditation to our continuing batches. Final decision shall be conveyed by the NCEAC which usually take one to two months, however online status of IMCB H-9 Islamabad has been updated from “Applied” to “Visited” on NCEAC official website.

NCEAC/HEC has formally informed through e-mail that we have been granted accreditation for 2-years for Fall 2020 and that Fall-2022 intake.
(Prof. Javaid Iqbal Mughal)
Islamabad Model College for Boys, H-9